Happy New Year!
On behalf of the team leadership! We would like to wish all of our wonderful team members a very Happy New Year! Wishing you all happiness, success, health and many many sales! 2013 was a great year and 2014 will be nothing, but better!
- AHA Team Leadership
Vivi (Jenvy Accessories)
Kelleen (Kelleen Kreations)
Sarah (Sweet Concept Designs)
Get prepared for all the great BNS rounds that Sarah works so very hard on! There are always new shops and many great items! The BNS thread is updated regularly and with spots always available there is always a chance for you to be featured!
Kelleen has been working very hard on The Shop Spotlight, every week we have a new shop to show lots and lots of love to! Kelleen is also working hard on keeping all the Treasury games going, and does a lot to keep fresh new threads on the team!
For those of you that don't know me, I'm Vivi or as some call me Jenvy (I've become quite used to it and have acquired it I guess ha!) I will be working on bringing all the shop features and giveaways on the team blog! I would like you all to know that I do accept article submissions; it can be about anything! It can be a recipe, a tutorial, a book review, movie review, any suggestions that could help the shops on our team, etc...
Some of our team promotion games:
Merry Go Round - By far one of my favorites on the team! All you have to do is sign up anywhere you would like on the list (as long as no one else is signed up on that spot), once the list is full you will receive a message letting you know it is time to shop. You will purchase from the shop signed up directly below you and that shop from the one below them and so on.
What I love about this promotion game is that it helps get your sales up, you gain a review for the purchase and of course the best one, you help a teammate out!
Shop Spotlight - With the shop spotlight you sign up on the thread with the sign up list if you would like your shop to be considered for Shop Spotlight and Kelleen will pick 1 shop randomly, she makes a thread and your shop is then flooded with all sorts of love from the team! We help promote your shop as best as we can! Some team members fave your entire store, others tweet some of their favorite items, some pin your items and they help in any other way they can to promote your shop all for 1 week!
Treasury Game - In this thread we have a list of 17, you sign up chronologically and once the list is full all the shops on the list must create 1 treasury featuring all the shops on the list, but not their own, by the time all shops are done creating their treasuries you have been featured in 16 treasuries!
BNS (BUY AND STAY) - A BNS is a treasury created for the purpose of having other shops come look at the treasury, promote it and a lot of the time there are shops looking to buy in to the BNS in order to gain a round, with as many shops that stop by there is always a chance that as long as you are featured in the round that you will gain a purchase, so it is strongly encouraged that you make purchases to keep earning rounds! You never know who is shopping around!
Looking for - This is not a game, rather it is a thread where I am asking team members to donate some of their time and maybe an item or two for a giveaway on the team blog. All you have to do is comment on the thread and let me know you are interested in doing a giveaway for the team blog! This is great exposure, team members can enter the giveaways, and for 2 weeks your shop is promoted through various social media sites as deemed appropriate and team members get to read your story!
There are many different games and ways to have your shop promoted on our team! AHA is always working to help you, so if you ever need help or have a suggestion please let one of the team leadership members know!
Another way of interacting with the team is through our AHA CHAT LOUNGE! You never know who is on there looking to chat away, so stop on by and say hi!
Join our team here: